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In the midst of the rapid change of the world, where the old shakes and the new shakes, I rebel against the ordinary with my brush. Each of my works is an impetuous outburst - a fusion of fantasy and reality that challenges the viewer to leave their comfort zone and expand their own horizons.
I believe steadfastly in the electrifying power of color, and my paintings, although inspired by techniques of the Old Masters, shatter modern conventions. In a landscape where art is often only fleetingly perceived, I foreground craft, crafted from my most intense emotions, dreams and obsessions.
But despite my rebellion against the norm, I am also a seeker - always on the hunt for the next inspiration, the next limit to overcome. Each canvas is another chapter of my never-ending journey in which I am both an artist and an explorer. In this dual role I find joy, surprise myself and, hopefully, the world.
This art is rebellion. It is my invitation to question the familiar and celebrate the unique. Even in my abstract moments - where colors and shapes dance - my mission remains constant: to provoke, inspire and constantly renew the world.
From software genius and musician to the silver screen: The captivating transformation of Thomas Mattausch
Thomas Mattausch is much more than just an artist - he is a testament to how passion and dedication can shape a person. His unconventional CV, characterized by insatiable curiosity and the urge to always pursue what truly interested him, is what makes him so special. He left secondary school without graduating in the ninth grade, not because of inability, but because he always had the courage to follow his heart.
With self-taught enthusiasm, he immersed himself in the areas that touched his soul. Whether in software development, in music or later as an entrepreneur who led a company to impressive growth - Mattausch always demonstrated a keen sense of what he was doing. But at 59 years old, he felt a new calling. Painting captivated him with its magic and he decided to follow this call and devote himself entirely to art.
His unconditional commitment combined with his creative potential allowed him to quickly gain recognition in the art scene. Today his works can be seen in the Athena Art Gallery in Berlin and attract both national and international interest at vernissages and exhibitions. Tom Mattausch is the living example that it is never too late to pursue your true passion, and his impressive life journey shows what is possible when you stay true to yourself.

His unconditional commitment combined with his creative potential allowed him to quickly gain recognition in the art scene. Today his works can be seen in the Athena Art Gallery in Berlin and attract both national and international interest at vernissages and exhibitions. Tom Mattausch is the living example that it is never too late to pursue your true passion, and his impressive life journey shows what is possible when you stay true to yourself.

As a painter and artist, I draw my inspiration from the diverse backgrounds of my life. Every brush stroke, every color and every motif tells a story that is closely linked to my experiences, emotions and thoughts.My works are a reflection of my inner world. They are expressions of my joy, my sadness, my hope and my fears. Through art I find a way to express my feelings and connect with other people.
The background to my work is also strongly influenced by my surroundings. Nature, architecture, people and culture around me influence my works in many ways. I am inspired by the colors and shapes of my surroundings and try to capture them in my pictures.
In addition, my personal experiences and experiences are also important backgrounds to my work. Every moment I experience leaves a mark on my art. Be it a trip, a conversation or a special event - all of this flows into my works and shapes their character.
Ultimately, however, it is the passion and love for art that drives me. For me, painting is an expression of my soul, a way to realize myself and share my thoughts and feelings with others. It is a constant process of learning, growing and discovering that continually inspires and motivates me.